j.komljenovic (at) lancaster.ac.uk
Janja je predavateljica visokega solstva (Lecturer in Higher Education) na Univerzi v Lancastru, Velika Britanija. Njeni raziskovalni interesi so visokosolske politike in upravljanje, politicna ekonomija visokega solstva in digitalna ekonomija.
S CEPS je pričela sodelovati leta 2008 pri projektu »Thematic review of Tempus structural measures«. Med leti 2010 in 2013 je bila raziskovalka v projektu »Diferenciacija, enakost, produktivnost: družbene in gospodarske posledice razširjenih in diferenciranih visokošolskih sistemov – aspekti internacionalizacije« (DEP-08-EuroHESC-OP-016).
V preteklosti je bila Marie Curie Fellow na Univerzi v Bristolu, Velika Britanija. Ze od leta 2003 je delovala na podrocju ustvarjanja politik in upravljanja visokega solstva na nacionalni in evropski ravni. Se vedno je aktivna evalvatorka nacionalnih agencij za kakovost za ENQA (European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education) in evalvatorka univerz za nacionalne agencije.
Ashwin, P. & Komljenovic, J. (2018). The conceptualisation of students’ personal transformation through their engagement in South African undergraduate education. In P. Ashwin, & J. Case (Eds.), Higher Education Pathways: South African Undergraduate Education and the Public Good (pp. 125-135). African Minds.
Komljenovic, J. (2019). Big data and new social relations in higher education: Academia.edu, Google Scholar and ResearchGate. In S. Sellar, R. Gorur, & G. Steiner-Khamsi (Eds.). World Yearbook of Education 2019: Comparative Methodology in an Era of Big Data and Global Networks. London: Routledge.
Robertson, S. L., Tidy, J., & Komljenovic, J. (2018). Forum Shifting and Shape Making in Higher Education Services. In R. Barnett, & M. A. Peters (Eds.). The Idea of the University: Contemporary Perspectives, Volume 2 (pp. 192-215). (Global Studies in Education). Peter Lang.
Robertson, S. L., & Komljenovic, J. (2018). Non-state actors, and the advance of frontier higher education markets in the global south. In P. Srivastava, & G. Walford (Eds.). Non-State Actors in Education in the Global South. London: Routledge.
Robertson, S. and Komljenovic, J. (2016). Unbundling and making higher education markets. In: Verger, A., Lubienski, C., Steiner-Kamsi, G. (eds). World Yearbook in Education: Global Education Industry (pp. 211-227). London: Routledge.
Klemencic, M., Scukanec, N., Komljenovic, J. (2015). Decision Support Issues in Central and Eastern Europe. In: Webber, K. and Calderon, A. (eds) Institutional Research and Planning in Higher Education: Global Context and Themes (pp. 71-85). New York and London: Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group.
Miklavic, K., Komljenovic, J. (2014). Between Western Ideals and Post-conflict reconstruction: Meaning and perceptions of higher education in the Western Balkans. In: Jelena Branković, Manja Klemenčič, Predrag Lažetić, Pavel Zgaga (eds) Global Challenges, Local Responses in Higher Education (pp. 209-228). Rotterdam: Sense Publishers.
Komljenovic, J. and Miklavic, K. (2013), ‘Imagining higher education in the European knowledge economy: Discourse and ideas in communications of the EU’. In: Zgaga, P., Teichler, U. and Brennan, J. (eds.) The globalisation challenge for European Higher Education: Convergence and Diversity, Centres and Peripheries (pp. 33-54). Bern: Peter Lang.
Zgaga, P., Klemencic, M., Komljenovic, J., Miklavic, K., Repac, I., Jakacic, V. (2013). Higher education in the Western Balkans: Reforms, development, trends. Key findings from field research. Ljubljana: Faculty of Education, Centre for Educational Policy Studies.
Komljenovic, J., Ahcan, M., Vidovic, A., Turk, G., Pejovnik, R.S. (2013). Zaposlenost diplomantov Univerze v Ljubljani (Employability of Graduates of the University of Ljubljana). Ljubljana: University of Ljubljana.
Komljenovic, J., Zgaga, P. (2012). Quality assurance in Slovenian teacher education: between national regulation and internationalization. In: Harford, J., Hudson, B., Niemi, H. (eds) Quality assurance and teacher education: international challenges and expectations. Rethinking education, Vol. 6 (pp. 187-202). Oxford: Peter Lang, 2012.
Svetlik, I., Kristl, J., Sirok, M., Komljenovic, J., Pejovnik, S. (2012). Bolonjska prenova po ljubljansko: proces prenove študijskih programov na Univerzi v Ljubljani (Bologna Reform in the Ljubljana Style: Reforming Study Programmes at the University of Ljubljana). Ljubljana: University of Ljubljana.
Kolar, J., Komljenovic, J. (eds). (2011). Audacious Slovenia: Resolution on the National higher education programme 2011-2020; Resolution on the Research and innovation strategy of Slovenia 2011-2020. Ljubljana: Ministry of Higher education, Science and Technology.
Zgaga, P., Komljenovic, J. (2010). Quality assurance in Slovenia. Q&A, 2010, no. 2, pp. 27-29.
Bollaert, L., Brus, S., Curvale, B., Harvey, L., Helle, E., Toft Jensen, H., Komljenovic, J., Orphanides, A., Sursock, A. (eds.) (2007). Embedding quality culture in higher education: a selection of papers from the 1st European Forum for Quality Assurance, 23 – 25 november 2006, hosted by the Technische Universität München, Germany. Brussels: EUA, European University Association, 2007.
Komljenovic, J. (2018). Making higher education markets: trust-building strategies of private companies to enter the public sector. Higher Education.
Komljenovic, J. (2018). LinkedIn, platforming labour, and the new employability mandate for universities. Globalisation, Societies and Education. DOI: 10.1080/14767724.2018.1500275
Komljenovic, J. & Robertson, S.L. (2017). Special Issue Introduction: Making Global Education Markets and Trade. Globalisation, Societies and Education, 15(3), 289-295.
Komljenovic, J. (2017). Market Ordering as a Device for Market-making: The Case of the Emerging Students Recruitment Industry. Globalisation, Societies and Education, 15(3), 367-380.
Komljenovic, J., & Robertson, S. L. (2016). The dynamics of “market-making” in higher education. Journal of Education Policy, 31(5), 622–636.
Komljenovic, J., & Robertson, S. L. (2015). Dynamika „tworzenia rynków” w szkolnictwie wyższym. Nauka i Szkolnictwo Wyższe, 2(46), 17-40.
Robertson, S. L., & Komljenovic, J. (2016). Non-state actors, and the advance of frontier higher education markets in the global south. Oxford Review of Education, 42(5), 595–611.
Komljenovic, J. (2012). ‘The complexity of policy mirroring: the connection between international and Slovenian higher education policy discourse’, CEPS journal, vol. 2, no. 4, pp. 9-28.
European Education Research Association – ECER, 2018 (Bolzano, Italy): Making Higher Education Markets: Trust-building Strategies Of Private Companies To Enter The Public Sector; AND University Structures For Graduate Employability In The Digital Economy (with Eva Hartmann).
European Consortium for Political Research – ECPR, 2018 (Hamburg, Germany): Higher Education and the Labour Market Infrastructure in the Digital Economy (with Eva Hartmann)
European Association for the Study of Science and Technology – EASST, 2018 (Lancaster, UK): Higher education and the labour market infrastructure in the digital economy (with Eva Hartmann and Adrian MacKenzie)
Comparative and International Education Society – CIES, 2018 (Mexico City, Mexico): Academia.edu, Google Scholar citations and ResearchGate: Platformization of Academia.
European Consortium for Political Research – ECPR, 2017 (Oslo, Norway): Unbundling and Reassembling Knowledge Production – the Role of Social Media Platforms.
European Consortium for Political Research – ECPR, 2016 (Prague, Czech Republic): Mapping actors in marketising higher education.
Comparative and International Education Society – CIES, 2016 (Vancouver, Canada): Under construction: education markets.
Comparative and International Education Society – CIES, 2015 (Washington DC, USA): Global buzz and cultural, political and economic processes at work in transformations of the higher education sector: The case of NAFSA higher education conference and expo.
Comparative and International Education Society – CIES, 2015 (Washington DC, USA) with S. Robertson: Unbundling higher education: When all that is solid melts into…profit!
European Consortium for Political Research – ECPR, 2015 (Montreal, Canada) with S. Robertson: Forum Shifting and Shape Making in Europe’s Negotiations on (Education) Trade in Services Education.
European Education Research Association – ECER, 2014 (Porto, Portugal): Higher education industries and markets: an example of using global value chains analysis.
Academic Association for Contemporary European Studies Collaborative Research Network – UACES CRN workshop, 2014 (Cambridge, United Kingdom) with V. Ivosevic. Interplaying governance: EHEA and ERA.
ZGAGA, P., KOMLJENOVIČ, J., MIKLAVIČ, K. (2013). Higher education reforms in the Western Balkans: an international perspective. Invited lecture at the Central European University, April 26th 2013.
KOMLJENOVIČ, J. (2012). Higher education reforms in Western Balkans – exploring roles of universities and their autonomy. 25th CHER Conference, Belgrade, 10 – 12 September 2012.
KOMLJENOVIČ, J. (2011). Institutional autonomy and the attractiveness of the European higher education area – facts or tokenistic discourse? Lecture at the conference: Future of higher education – Bologna researchers’ conference (FOHE-BPRC), Bucharest, 18. oct. 2011.
KOMLJENOVIČ, J. (2011). University autonomy in the European higher education area. ECER Conference 2011 : “Urban Education”.
KOMLJENOVIČ, J. (2011). Ideation of the institutional autonomy in the European higher education area. CHER 24th annual Conference, Reykjavík, 23-25 June 2011
KOMLJENOVIČ, J. (2010). Experiences in external quality assurance exercises from various perspectives. Keynote speech at: 5th European Quality Assurance Forum: Building bridges – making sense of QA in European, national and institutional contexts, Lyon, 18. nov. 2010.
KOMLJENOVIČ, J. (2010). Training for the Slovenian Quality Assurance Agency Council Members, Ljubljana, 11. May 2010.
KOMLJENOVIČ, J. (2010). University autonomy and accountability: where is the balance? At: ENQA seminar Quality and Transparency in Higher Education: Expetations, Tools and Link to Institutional Autonomy, Bologna, 18. May 2010.
KOMLJENOVIČ, J. (2007). Curricular and institutional changes in European HEI. At: National Policies for the Integration to European Higher Education Area, Prishtina, 23. mar. 2007. Prishtina: Institucionet e përkohshme vetëqeverisëse, 2007